Mining is one of the best hobbies a minecraft player does. In order to advance get get various weapons armor and items you need to mine but sometimes it's hard to. This tutorial is for players who seek this minerals for game advancement.
This ore is easy to find especially if there are caves nearby. If you find any rock formation or an entrance of a cave you'll easily find coal. You only need a wooden pickaxe to mine this mineral. Coal is used for torches and a fuel source.
Gold is an ore that can generate in any level. Gold may spawn near other ores so keep an eye out for those gold. It is special as it can be crafted as a golden apple which can give you great status effects.
Mine it with an iron pickaxe once you found it.
This is one of the minerals you need to find at the beginning of the game. It can be found in almost every level. To find it make a mine and your bound to find them. Once found mine with a stone pickaxe and smelt it. You can craft it for better weapons.
FACT: Zombies drop iron ingots rarely.
Lapis Lazuli and Redstone
This minerals aren't that rare and can be mined with an iron pickaxe. I prefer branch mining making tunnels underground. Lapis lazuli can be used for enchanting and redstone for mechanisms.
Diamond and Emerald
When mining this minerals go to a deep cave and find this minerals. They can be found at about level 11. They are both mined with an iron pickaxe. Emeralds are very rare so keep an eye for it. Diamonds are used for the best weapons and armor. It is also used for an enchanting table. Emeralds are used for trading with villagers.
Now you're a great miner go hunt for those ores!
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