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How to make a Stop-motion Animation with LEGO on your IPad

Animating with Lego is fun. I use my IPad to animate and the results look very good.

I animate with the Lego Movie Maker app. First create a scene. Take a picture of the scene then move it slightly again then take a picture. You'll see that if you play the pictures the minifigure will look like it is moving. Use a flashlight or lamp to light the set instead of the sun.

To create a night scene get your lamp and darken it a bit or you could also use some effects. Give your characters some props or do a little voice acting. If you want to make the minifigure jump. Just hold it at the edge of what the camera can see.

For FPS I think 15-10 works best for the animations.

Practice your animating skills and experiment a bit. 


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