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HELE (Helpful, Enjoyable, and not Leaden Education)

HELE, it might be Home Economics and Livelihood Education, but I think of it as Helpful, Enjoyable, and not Leaden Education. Because it is so fun! In my first quarter I did a lot of fun things.

The first thing I did is gardening. I was very excited! First we smoothened the dirt. It was a rough time, but just to make it lively me and my brother made some roleplay. We called each other names like Seargent Grass or Twigs. We then measured the land of dirt to place stepping stones. Next we got a pile of grass and planted it all over the dirt halfway there my back ached and I had a hard time to keep a good posture because of it so I got a break. Then we continued and we finished! Even though my back hurts I think it is still worth to turn a floor of colorless dirt into a magnificent grassland! 

The next thing I did was taking care of my dog. I always give my dog some water. I also train her to sit. Sometimes I feed her treats.

Next is the hardest but a bit fun chore. Taking care of Aki, my little brother. It's hard because Aki keeps doing bad things. Throwing stuff at me and sometimes trying to hurt me. So that is kind of a reason why I would rather help garden and get aches in my back rather than take care of Aki and get thrown at. However I still like playing with Aki. He is so cute and I like hanging out with him rather than gardening and getting aches in the back (If that makes sense). I love Aki so much!

Now for another chore. Well this is a new thing. Guess, I have a bucket full of white liquid and something to spread it around and it is more of a job rather than a chore. What is it, it is painting! This is my first time to paint a wall in our house. Like at the gardening chore me and my brother called each other role names. It was exciting to try a new thing. I got to paint the wall white but it still turned out great!

This is just the first quarter though. I am not sure what the second one has in store for me. It could be gardening, or Aki, or more aches in the back? Oh well, I will just have to wait for more Helpful, Enjoyable, and not Leaden Education!


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