The wither is an awesome and hard boss that will drop a nether star which you could make a beacon with. It is hard to make but worth the prize. So today I am going to teach you how to spawn the wither. Before you spawn the wither get a lot of potions, enchanted weapons, and enchanted armor. Go to the nether and get 4 soul sand. Spawn or find a charged creeper and put it in a small cage. Find about 3 wither skeletons. Let the charged creeper explode in the wither skeletons. Get the wither skeleton skulls. Another way is making a cage for the wither skeletons and letting the creeper explode but this method is harder. As you might explode in the detonation process. Make a small "T" with soul sand and put the wither skulls on the soul sand. Enjoy defeating the wither!