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Weather Patterns

Today I am going to discuss about weather patterns.

Layers of Atmosphere

First I am going to tell about the layers of the atmosphere. The atmosphere has an altitude of about 1000 km. The first layer is the troposphere, this the layer where weather happens. The next layer is the stratosphere, this is where airplanes fly to avoid harmful weather. The next is the mesosphere. Then it is the thermosphere it is very hot and its temperature may rise to 1700 degrees celsius. Last but not least is the exosphere. 

Convection Currents

Convection are like moving currents of convection. It is a boundary of hot and cold air. Hot air is less dense than cold air that's why hot air rises. The particles of cold air are a bit closer than hot water. If you put hot water and cold water it will also make a convection current.

Severe Weather

Severe weather such as thunderstorms may be created. Thunderstorms are made if all air currents move upwards until their mixed. When they get mixed the currents will move down and make a thunderstorm. Another severe weather is tornadoes. When air rolls like a log. One current might move the other side up the clouds. The other side gets pushed down and creates a wind funnel. When the wind funnel reached the ground it creates a tornado. The last one  is hurricanes. It is very destructive. It gets power from warm oceans and will weaken when it reaches land. It creates waves and may move vehicles.

Weather Tools

One of the weather tools is a barometer it measures air pressure. It is used to predict severe weather. Another one is the anemometer it is used to measure wind speed. The last one is the rain gauge. It measures how much rain has fallen for a certain time.

Weather and Climate

What is weather and climate. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere day by day. Climate is the average of weather for a long time. It could be about 30 years. Weather may include rain, sleet, and precipitation. Climate may include sunlight and more.

Sources: CrashCourseKids, National Geographic, San Diego Natural History Museum, Mr. Temme, Scott Foresman Science.

So that's all I learned for today, hoped this helped you!


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