Buoyancy is the tendency for something to float. When something is on water it displaces an amount of water. Have you ever tried throwing a rock in water. If you did you most definitely know that it's will sink. However if you try putting a paper boat on water it floats. How come? Well, if you check how much the water displaced weighs and how much the paper boat weighs you would see they're almost equal. Which determines why the paper boat floats. If you weigh a rock though and how much the water displaced weighs, you would see the rock weighs more.
Whether your making a map for other players or just troll your friends hiding traps are important in most redstone machines. Hiding traps should be one of the most important things you need to make an epic trap. Today, I am going to show you how to hide traps. Blocks Hide redstone circuits with blocks! This is the most simple way to hide your traps. Remember when using blocks to hide circuits always put the power source near the blocks that hides your redstone traps. Vines Hide the thing that will kill you with vines. It is the same item that is used to hide the dispenser in the jungle temple. Let vines grow on your trap and it will hide your cunning trap. Camouflage Camouflage is another way to hide your traps! For example wooden pressure plates on wooden planks will hide those power sources. You could also use stone pressure plate on stone. Go troll your friends now!
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