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Natural Resources

Today I am going to talk about resources. I am going to talk about they're importance and how to help in recycling this important resources.

What are Resources?

Resources are things we need in order for us to survive. There are two types of resources, renewable and non-renewable. Renewable can be replaced fastly. One example of renewable resources are trees.
Non-renewable resources are not replaced that fast or can't be replaced at all. One example is coal it is slowly replaced. Here are some resources we need.

Fossil Fuels

This resource came from fossils. This fossils were turned into fuel. In order to power machines, cars, and more. This is pretty easy to get. First drills dig down to find some fuel. The fuel is then stored in tanks. This resource should be handled with care as if the a tank has a leak it makes oil spills. It also pollutes air and can make acid rain. 

Solar Energy

With the help of solar panels we could get energy from the sun. It is environment friendly and helps in saving electricity. There is just one problem in cloudy days or at night you can't produce solar energy. It may also cost a lot of money. 

Wind Energy

People have been developing this for about centuries. It is a pretty great source of energy. It helps pump water and is very helpful in farms. The problem is it dosen't have wind everytime. Which means it can only be used in windy days.

Energy From Water

One source of energy is hydroelectricity. This comes from reservoirs in dams. Dams let out an amount of water then people use it for electricity. This type of electricity could've developed in 1800s. Though there is another disadvantage, it destroys some habitats of fish in lakes.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy comes from a rare mineral called uranium. Uranium is a radioactive mineral that when it becomes hot it could produce steam which gives off energy. Uranium is a non-renewable type of energy that means losing uranium could be a big waste of energy.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is one of the energy types. First people put water to a hole that connects to hot rock. As the water seeps through the hot rock the water comes back as steam. This steam can be used for energy. However geothermal energy can only be created in places with hot rock near the surface of earth.

Biomass Energy

Biomass energy comes from things that recently lived like dead plants. They burn this dead things to create energy. Biomass energy pollutes one of the most important resources, air. So they need to be careful in producing biomass energy.


Minerals are one of the most important resources. In fact it's part of our lives we use it for buildings and  other things. For example iron can be used for utensils. Or uranium making nuclear energy so that we could power up appliances. Gold can be used for some jewelry. That's why it's really important.


Air is an important reason. Without it we would not live. Oxygen helps us to live and gives us some benefits. Carbon dioxide helps in growing plants and trees which we need for food or wood. Nitrogen helps in fertilizers for plants. However people do a lot of things that make air polluted. Like smoking or the smoke produced by cars with fuel.


Water a very important resource. We need water to replenish us. We use it to take baths and wash dishes. It gives us hydroelectricity a very important type of energy. Think of how important water is for us!


You might think this is not important but it is. It grows plants which we need for food or wood. If it grows trees it can give us paper and other products. It has a lot of minerals in it which is another important mineral. 

How can we Save This Resources?

Different technologies are used today this technologies are very helpful. It will help clean up pollutions and other things. People are making laws in order to save the environment. This laws encourage people to do things helpful to the environment. People also recycle. You could recycle also like writing on the back of the paper if your finished on the other side. You could also create something cool out off trash that is supposed to be thrown away. 

Hoped this helped you!


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