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The Best Field Trip Ever

Me, my brother, and my mom went to a museum called "The Mind Museum". I was so excited that I hopped out of the car and went to the museum.
When entering the museum I saw a robot named Aedi who introduced the whole museum to me.
I then started looking at exhibits, I saw this giant clam in a big container. The clam is so big that it can cover my whole body.
Next I saw climate changes and natural disasters like typhoons and volcanic eruptions. We saw different kinds of climate change.
I then saw an exhibit that told me everything is made from food to me! It also showed that atoms can be broken to smaller and smaller parts.
We then went to a corridor with stairs and guess what happened a laser sensed my step then made a piano sound! So we played with the piano stairs before going to another exhibit.
Then I wasn't thinking that there's actually a TV turned to my favorite science channel. It showed us a bit of about space and astronomy. Next I went to a bridge with an illusion that you'll think your turning even though you're not. I barely escaped without getting dizzy.
Then something caught my eye a big t-rex fossil named Stan. We were so amazed of it that we took pictures of it.
We saw how volcanoes actually erupt and volcano lava was from the mantle of the Earth!
We went to a show named "Back To The Moon For Good". It was about how the "Google Launch Xprize" made people explore the moon more after the last Apollo.
After watching it we went to a cool activity where you can dig up fossils.
Mom took pictures of us as we found fossils appearing from the sand. Then we found this fossil of an animal getting dug up. We were so happy when we found the fossil.
Then we saw different kinds of fungi and their behavior.
We then watched another show called "The Beginning". It includes the Big Bang theory and the evolution of monkeys to humans which is really not true.
I then learned how people printed long ago. It's easy but I haven't really mastered it yet.
Then when I looked in binoculars saying "night vision" I looked in it then  I could see in the dark.
Then we went to an exhibit about an illusion that my mom really likes. When I looked in the mirror I could see my self floating!
I then wore an extraordinary vest. When you wear it and hug a person the vest will change color!
We also saw a sound dome where your voice will echo.
It was the best field trip ever!


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