Walking dead is an American horror show(also comic series) created by Frank Darabont. While the comics is made by Robert Kirkman. It was created in October 31 2010. It was about a zombie apocalypse that happened. Rick the police officer was shot in the chest by terrorists. Then was sent to the hospital. Then the zombie apocalypse happened. Rick still in the comma woke up. Then he realized that zombies already infested the world. He formed alliances with other survivors and was forced to survive.
Whether your making a map for other players or just troll your friends hiding traps are important in most redstone machines. Hiding traps should be one of the most important things you need to make an epic trap. Today, I am going to show you how to hide traps. Blocks Hide redstone circuits with blocks! This is the most simple way to hide your traps. Remember when using blocks to hide circuits always put the power source near the blocks that hides your redstone traps. Vines Hide the thing that will kill you with vines. It is the same item that is used to hide the dispenser in the jungle temple. Let vines grow on your trap and it will hide your cunning trap. Camouflage Camouflage is another way to hide your traps! For example wooden pressure plates on wooden planks will hide those power sources. You could also use stone pressure plate on stone. Go troll your friends now!
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