Located at the Ancient Assyrian city, capital of the Neo - Assyrian Empire, is a city called Nineveh. Nineveh is a big city one of the few having prehistoric items such as statues and paintings. Nineveh home to the Assyrians famous for there wiked acts, cruel torture and their King (King Sennacherib). These people have a like of myths and other olktale creatures that dosen't exist, they also have a belief on gods and would like worshippng statues. What makes these people hateful of anger and vengence is of there cruel methods of punishing others byt torture. The Assyrians torture is none like other they especially love flaying peoples skin alive. No wonder most of there enemies Babylonians, Medes and Sythians have a gruge and hatred for them. Later on they were conquered by the Babylonians as the walls collapsed and dissolved from thier castle wall.